Home > Pennsylvania > Hersheypark > Roller Soaker > Review Comments

 Review of Roller Soaker @ Hersheypark
0 Rating Posted by: parkfan111 on 2/15/2004 7:46:00 PM
Overall, Roller Soaker is not a terrible ride. The wait is long, and I was annoyed and cold as the water from the other riders splashed me, but once I got on I cheered up slightly. The ride paused momentarily at the lift hill peak, and I grew scared, thinking it was stuck, but it quickly went on. This ride features no visible drops, just curves and tiny, tiny dips. You stay almost perfectly level at 70 feet the whole time. This ride is cool, because it does help cool you off on hot days. You have two seating choices: Sitting foward so you can see where you are going, or sitting backwards. I picked foward, but actually, I shouldve picked backwards, because theres nothing much to this ride. I am shocked that they call it a "rollersoaker" because it is hardly a roller coaster! The ride briefly brakes in the middle, and that slows it down - which is stupid, it was just getting good.

Overall, worth it.
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