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 Review of Phoenix @ Busch Gardens Tampa
0 Rating Posted by: Steve NY on 5/1/2008 9:35:00 PM
Oh the pain! Oh the pain! That was running through my head the entire ride on this, and heck this thing even made me scream for all the wrong reasons. Well it was a walk-on and the only thing that got me on this torture device. Like everyone else, the restraints were what killed this for me. They were extremely tight and every inch I gave the restraint, it went down even further. I remember them being bad on the one at Great Adventure, but not this bad (then again I rode that one many years ago). The cycle wasnt overly long thankfully and the swinging leading up to the inverting provided some mild sensations that were the highlight for me. However, then it started going upside down and the pain began. All my blood rushing to my head combined with being compressed like a pancake is not fun, but hey if you like that sort of thing ride this.
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