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 Review of Kumba @ Busch Gardens Tampa
0 Rating Posted by: scythe225 on 3/20/2003 7:19:00 AM
This was only my third steel looper (SFOG Mind Bender and BG:T Scorpion being the first two) since becoming a coaster fanatic. I was introduced to elements not experienced in the two much older coasters I had ridden. I had a horrible fear of heights and this is the one, strangely enough, that has helped me get over that fear to a large degree. Maybe its because I ended up riding Kumba over a dozen times in the three days I spent at Busch Gardens. The drop is a fantasticly angled one that leads you into a monsterous loop (so much for Mind Bender) that had me and my loop loving wife cackling with laughter. The unfamiliar elements, like the immelman, were amazing. The zero G roll didnt particuarly feel zero G to me, but I love the disorienting nature of the forces it puts on my body. I loved the procession of elements that lead to the dark tunnel that, while scary enough for the darkness and closed surrounding, was even scarier somehow because of the reverberation of the train roaring in my ears. I couldnt believe the speed of this thing. To watch it is like watching greased lightning, to ride it much the same. The interlocking corkscrews were a great idea. Ill always and forever have a soft spot in my heart for this ride, though Montu takes first place even if my wife thinks this ride is king. But Kumba is an extremely close second to Montu, in all fairness. Superb fun.
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