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 Review of Montu @ Busch Gardens Tampa
0 Rating Posted by: BobFunland on 4/1/2002 9:06:00 PM
What used to be one of my favorite coaster recently slipped out of my top 10, and after reriding it I see no reason to feel bad about that. The ride is still smooth as whipped butter, but that only counts so much.. same with the sweet trenches and themeing. The ride started out well with the vertical loop, tunnel under the pathway and immelman against the wall, but I would expect the middle section to be the best since it has two of my favorite elements: a zero-G roll and a batwing. Well, out of three laps, only one had an awesome mid-section. The G-roll is always great but the batwing was killed when they turned the trim on between my first ride and other rides. The snapping effect and strong forces are rendered weak and what could be one of the greatest elements in the world leaves me saying "it was good, not great". Then comes the real killer, the mid course, which slowed the ride down much more than I remembered. The loop is a loop (nice and all) but the ride slows down too much, especially through the banked turn near the queue. The flat spin in the pit is cool and the ride ends fairly well but there is so much tamed potetial in this ride that its sad to see. In the end its still a really good invert, probably #2 or #3 in my experience, but not the superb ride I once thought it was. Since I cant give an 8.5, Ill stick with the 9.
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