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More on Stat Ride
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 5/15/2002 4:55:00 PM
The Strat isnt giving up on the thrill ride out in Vegas, yet another meeting to argue and blah blah blah.

Since Stratosphere officials first unveiled plans for the ride last summer, the project has come to symbolize the often-competing demands of businesses and residents. Mayor Oscar Goodman and others believe redevelopment can only succeed if people are willing to live downtown. But the city has struggled in recent years to attract private investment to the area, and a $20 million project would generate property taxes that could then be used to entice other redevelopment projects.

In September, planning commissioners voted 3-2 to derail the ride. The Stratosphere appealed the decision to the City Council, but pulled its proposal in early November when it became clear the ride would be rejected.


Twirlnhurl on 5/16/2002 4:07:00 PM said:
If thats a stupid project like the guy said then what does he consider important to a casino?
LkrWrmz10 on 5/18/2002 6:16:00 PM said:
i live in las vegas and believe me... that coaster will be huge. i mean the ultimate drop ever. if u fly to las vegas look for the tallest building, at the bottam of the "black section" thats where the ride starts.
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