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Coaster Concerns
Submitted By: ThmPrkCrtc on 2/4/2002 10:03:00 AM
*Sigh*, not even coaster season yet and already stories about rollercoaster safety. This time the author sites Six Flags Superman: The Escape and the Dodonpa in Japan, but *gasp* finds the odds of actually being hurt quite low.

Overall, the chances of getting hurt on an amusement park ride are minuscule. Based on 1999 figures, the risk of being injured severely enough to need a doctor is about 1 in 124,000 rides. The risk of being put in a hospital is about 1 in 15 million rides, the researchers reported.

Still, they point out that many of the latest reports have described neurological complications after roller-coaster rides.

The doctors arent saying that current rides are dangerous. But they do call for more research into rider safety. "There may come a point," they say, "when roller-coaster G-forces reach or exceed the human bodys threshold of tolerance." They also advise doctors in cities with large amusement parks to consider asking patients with neurological complaints whether theyve ridden a roller coaster lately.


coasterkid on 2/4/2002 6:33:00 PM said:
Let's just face it, doctors and police are trying to outlaw everything that is fun.
mrceagle on 2/6/2002 10:29:00 AM said:
Finally a report that shows that the likelihood of getting injured are extremely rare. Besides, when it comes to G forces the rides don't come close to what humans can withstand over a short period of time.
David on 2/6/2002 10:58:00 AM said:
I think that getting hurt on a roller coaster is slim to none, is great. Like them so much and wouldn't want any one to get hurt on them specially, the one I'm going to build in the future.
David on 2/6/2002 11:01:00 AM said:
I agree with coasterkid, the cops & doctors are trying to stop any fun that is presented in theme parks, at home, at the playgrounds, or even at the movies. I think they need to sit down and shut up, You know, let us have our fun.
bb_dg on 2/6/2002 8:09:00 PM said:
i guess if you're on your 123,999 ride, you should sit the next one out
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