Home > New Jersey > Moreys Piers > Great White, The > Review Comments

 Review of Great White, The @ Moreys Piers
0 Rating Posted by: BlindLemonMelon on 7/10/2015 12:41:00 AM
Great White's seaside setting, and most of its general layout, seemed very reminiscent to me of the Cyclone back up north. As such, one would expect an intense experience by 90's standards, but I found it a little disappointing. Since the ride's elements are so spread apart, the positive and negative G's are pretty mild, and you pretty much see everything coming. Some of the banked turnarounds really toss you around and are pretty cool; if you want any floater airtime on the camelbacks, DEFINITELY go to the back of the train. It's a smooth woodie and the park takes excellent care of it, but it lacks in the out-of-control department that its Brooklyn neighbor succeeds in. It's worth at least one shot though, and maybe you'll even find a better way to ride than I did.
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