Home > Pennsylvania > Dorney Park > Antique Carrousel > Review Comments

 Review of Antique Carrousel @ Dorney Park
1 Rating Posted by: PhantomNik on 5/28/2008 5:11:00 PM
Dorneys Antique Carousel is a great carousel that makes for a fitting centerpiece to the park. Located up at the front of the park right past the entrance, this is one of the first rides (along with Talon) that guests of the park see. It is very well maintained, and the horses look ecsquisite, with many nice details and fresh looking paint. Dorney does a really nice job keeping their carousel looking very good, which is important for a ride that always has a pretty big significance in any parks lineup. The music is fitting and good, and the ride moves at a perfect pace. The lights around the rides outer structure look great at night, and although the cycle Ive gotten on this is just slightly above average, it is still a great ride that is fun for all ages. Watching kids and adults alike share smiles on this ride reminds me of what going to amusement parks is all about. Final Rating - 8.5/10
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