Home > Pennsylvania > Dorney Park > Krazy Kars > Review Comments

 Review of Krazy Kars @ Dorney Park
0 Rating Posted by: PhantomNik on 5/16/2008 12:50:00 PM
Absolutely pathetic, thats my take on the Krazy Kars at Dorney Park. Rip these abominations out and put in some real bumper cars! These half-breed bumper cars look more like theyd prefer being on the water and operating as bumper boats. To start with, the line moves painfully slow for this, and the return you get from that wait is a dull ride that is not fun at all. Steering these things is an exercise in extreme frustration, as they use levers on the sides as opposed to an actual steering wheel. They have no movement really, as they glide about as fast as a snail. Add to that the fact that they have absolutely zero hitting power, and you have a real dud of a flat ride. The cycle is very short on this as well, which actually serves as a positive since youll want to run for the hills as quickly as possible after riding this thing. Do yourself a favor when you come across this ride and dont bother. Your time would be better spent anywhere else in the park, bathroom included.
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