Home > Pennsylvania > Kennywood > Exterminator, The > Review Comments

 Review of Exterminator, The @ Kennywood
0 Rating Posted by: tauren_man on 5/26/2007 10:16:00 PM
I would not voluntarily eat raw lettuce leaves. On the other hand, I would probably not drink a bottle of salad dressing. But I WOULD eat lettuce with salad dressing on it. This is how I feel about Exterminator, to some degree. The darkride elements are nothing special, other than the interesting sound effects and movement. The rollercoaster is at its best mediocre, boasting 2 good drops, and much pointless spinning. But together, it is a very exciting experience, and one of the few sci-fi themed dark rides that I have seen (funny, all 4 are cross-overs). Despite the ingenious blending of coaster and darkride, I do have several complaints about this ride. First, wild mouse coasters are meant to be ridden outside, where the sharp turns make it feel like you are about to careen over the edge! No such feeling is experienced in exterminater, due to the fact that you are fairly close to the floor for most of the ride. In addition, the lines are often long, and inside a hot humid building. Also, the loading can be a tad irritating, due to the fact that one must jump into the car whilst it moves through the station. Last of all, those of us over 5 feet tall (or some height like that) are forbidden to use the seat belt, which stabs into the back of our waists throughout the ride. But other than these shortcomings, this crossover darkride is very smooth and will have you laughing out loud before the end. Like all other coasters at Kennywood, it is a must-ride!
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