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 Review of Tea Cups @ Knoebels
0 Rating Posted by: Canobie Coaster on 8/26/2005 8:07:00 AM
The Tea Cups are a fun flat ride, but not as good as many of Knoebels other flat rides. Located towards the back of the park, the Tea Cups are the classic PTC Crazy Daisy kind. Housed withing a small arena, the Tea Cups travel in a figure 8 path. With a few multi-colored tea cups navigating the track, the Tea Cups have a very low capacity. Despite this its generally a walk-on. The Tea Cups load quickly and there is a center wheel. However the center wheel doesnt control the spinning like on modern tea cups as its just there for riders to hold onto. Instead these cups spin automatically. During the long ride cycle there is a lot of spinning and it can be quite dizzying. Also, in the center of the ride there are some close collisions. Overall, the Tea Cups are a fun flat ride, but not as good as many other of Knoebels flat rides. Anyone who enjoys tea cups or havent been on the PTC Crazy Daisy kind should give the Tea Cups a shot.
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