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 Review of Bizzaro @ Six Flags New England
0 Rating Posted by: CoastrGlxy on 8/19/2005 3:54:00 PM
I dont give out a lot of 10s, but this ladies and gentlemen deserves a 10. This Superman Ride of Steel truly soars! I already knew it would be different from the other two S:ROS, I just didnt know it was going to be THAT good. First, the overall theming is better than the other S:ROS. You get the theme songs from the movie and several large pictures of the man himself. Im not sure why the other versions are slacking on that. The lift hill has a breathtaking view of the Connecticut River and if you sit on the left there isnt much between you and the river and the ground, far, far below. Im a hypercoaster fan and love big drops. I love the challenge of trying to keep my hands up, but Supe punked me on my first ride. I was in the last car, front row and the drop was amazing. (On another ride in the second car to the front, I was easily able to keep my hands up.) Just like I had heard the hills are stuffed with airtime. Some with sudden drops that were short but powerful, jerking you down and even throwing your hands up for you. The helixes offer great gs and the second tunnel is cool and throws you a little. I also enjoyed the layout and like the varied nature of the track. You cant easily trace the path. I can see why New Englanders are so rabid for this ride. It had the longest line at the park the entire day and if it wasnt for the security there would have been a mad dash for it when the park opened. I didnt think anything could unseat my coveted Apollos Chariot, but now Im not so sure. I give Apollos Chariot the slight nod, but I havent ridden it in years. A fresh ride on it next month will either solidify its spot or put S:ROS at #2. UPDATE - S:ROS has beaten out AC for my #2 spot after a recent ride. Final Rating - 10 (Transcendental)
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