Home > Minnesota > Valleyfair > Wild Thing > Review Comments

 Review of Wild Thing @ Valleyfair
1 Rating Posted by: coaster05 on 7/29/2005 10:39:00 PM
APPEARANCE-7 Ride looks very strong and from a distance you cant tell they are going to brake the crap out of it. CAPACITY-9 Nice fast loading time, typical smooth CF loading. RIDE QUALITY-3 Why are they braking this ride and sucking the life out of it. Without the brakes it would really be fun as it is just enjoyable. The air is gone and after being at Dorney I know this could be better. FUN-5 Good time on the coaster but not great. They just dont give their rides a chance to breath here. Did someone from MINN sue them so now it is worlds safest park? RERIDE-5 I would definately ride if I ever went back, but I have no guarantee I would ever go back. OVERALL-0 AVG-6.0 It is a nice solid 6, but it could just be a whole lot more.
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