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 Review of Twister @ Knoebels
2 Rating Posted by: BobFunland on 6/4/2005 2:01:00 AM
Pretty darn good wooden coaster. Twister, spawned from the famed Mr Twister (a ride which is one of those defunct coasters that I wish I could have experienced), was very fun. I liked the crimson train we rode in, and the, well, interesting double lift. I always wondered how that went together, and liked the transition between the two. Once at the top we dropped a bit and turned and off we went into the massive timber structure. To me, the best part is the double slanted helix element, reminiscent of one of my all-time favorite rides. This one also provided some fantastic laterals. The ride didnt really let up much, it maintained its pacing well (a big thing in my book) but wasnt superb in that same book. I almost want to go with a nine, but its just not there for me. Solid ride, a great tandem to Phoenix, but we know who wears the pants in the Knoebles wood collection.
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