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 Review of Thunderhawk @ Dorney Park
0 Rating Posted by: BobFunland on 5/30/2005 12:34:00 PM
I found Thunderhawk to be a pretty good little woodie. My first Schmeck (and the oldest one still in operation), Thunderhawk was a great kick-back to the roaring twenties. Now over 80 years old, its hard to believe that it is so good (I figured 30s, if not 40s and was suprised to see how old it is). The hills arent huge, but fun nonetheless. The airtime is ok, not great but not lacking either, and the color of the wood against the setting sun was cool too. I liked the begining part out of the station, though it would have been better if enclosed like so many older woodies had. The trains are a sore point of the ride though, I would prefer to see original ones on there, but who knows what happened there? Still yet another fun, exciting Dorney coaster

Review Comments

fergusonat on 5/30/2005 9:48:07 PM said:
I love old woodies, so hopefully this one is almost as good as K-woods oldies
BobFunland on 5/31/2005 12:45:07 AM said:
Almost sounds like you wont let it be as good as Kennywoods woodies...
Hercules on 5/31/2005 6:51:44 PM said:
You got it on a really good day B. Fun. That was one of the best rides that I have had on it in a few years. I have been to the park a couple times this week and they were really hitting the brakes, which totally kills the speed and airtime that caused your shoe to fly into my car.
BobFunland on 6/1/2005 2:05:43 AM said:
Oh man I forgot about that hilarious story...
fergusonat on 6/1/2005 8:12:47 AM said:
Hey, if it beats Kennywoods coasters, thats fine...I just dont think it will And whats this story about Bobs shoe flyin into another car???
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